<img src="https://ma.domino.it/matomo.php?idsite=4&amp;rec=1" style="border:0;" alt="">

Intranet Design Sprint!

Your Prototype in 4 Days

Put agency and client at the same table, choose a goal, and get a working prototype of your intranet in 4 days.


  • 1-3
    DAY 1
    We identify personas and develop the employee experiences for 2 selected personas
  • 2-2
    DAY 2

    We delve into concepts and solutions that solve the identified problems of the personas

  • 3-3
    DAY 3
    The Domino team works on the solution and shares a preview with the entire working team
  • 4
    DAY 4
    The Domino team presents a process management model, internal communication tools, and an intranet prototype

Download the detailed agenda.
Discover all the activities and deliverables you will receive in 4 days.