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Demak Group: from a supplier to a leading player in the B2B sector.

Schermata 2024-02-19 alle 17.26.03 Macbook Frame

The objectives?

1. To communicate a complex service in a simple manner

2. To generate new business opportunities

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the challenges

  • To be perceived immediately as consultants rather than mere suppliers
  • Generating leads across multiple markets.
  • Aligning customer experience with the new consultancy positioning

our solutions

  • New Potting Sprint method!
  • Multichannel lead generation campaigns across various markets + SEO optimisation
  • New customer-centric website
Schermata 2024-02-22 alle 12.25.50

New Potting Sprint method! for 360° service communication

  • Give visibility to Demak Group's support from the design phase
  • Simplify the flow of communication
  • Clarify details and timelines, and provide a tangible outcome to kick off the project quickly
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Schermata 2024-02-22 alle 12.14.49

Bespoke campaigns to boost visibility of the new positioning and generate leads

  • Multichannel strategy
  • Manage multi-market worldwide
  • Channels involved: Google Search, Display Network, LinkedIn
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The new website: a customer experience aligned with the consultative nature of the brand

  • Content and product organisation tailored to user needs
  • Simple and clear navigation to enhance search ease

Let's talk about you.

Listening to your challenges is one of the things we enjoy the most.